For each of the sentences below, underline the correct verb in parentheses. Prater got in his car and began to race to her house; as he was about to run a stop sign, he glimpsed a police car on the corner. Maybe politically its a good thing, but scientifically its so much more complex than that. Alex KotlowitzNew York Times MagazineMay 2008 Permalink Even as homicide rates have declined across the country in some places, like New York, by a remarkable amount gunplay continues to plague economically struggling minority communities. Some see his presentation as a calculated effort to disarm. Hes in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down as a result of being shot when he was 18. Where do we fit in? It is abuse if you feel forced to have sex 4. Slutkin chose to concentrate on those who had the most active TB; on average, they were infecting 6 to 10 others a year. Mack left a CeaseFire brochure on Fredericks chest and promised to visit him again in the coming weeks. He was aggressive. In one scuffle, Hoddenbach lost the sight in his right eye after an inmate pierced it with a shank. It turned out to be braggadocio, and so when his friend took off running, so did Frederick, a step behind. You doing good, Stone assured him. Its like cholera: you may cure everyone, you may contain the epidemic, but if you dont clean up the water supply, people will soon get sick again. Protection, Highsmith commented. Not only is everybody afraid to go there, but the people there themselves are afraid at all times because people are dying a lot and nobody really knows what to do about it. How did the defeat by the Romans affect Jewish history? Hoddenbach was serving time for armed violence; Torres for possession of a stolen car and a gun (he was, he says, on his way to make a hit). 1) The images in lines 1-5, such as "it vaults the tallest obstacles" and "How rapidly it pounces," convey the impression that hatred a)exists all around us. One wall in Slutkins office is taken up by maps and charts his staff has generated on the location and changes in the frequency of shootings throughout the city; the data determine how they assign the interrupters. In Baltimore, the program, which is run by the city, combines the work of interrupters and outreach workers and has been concentrated in one East Baltimore neighborhood. Diseen un programa nuevo para llenar ese vaco y presenten sus ideas al comit. Support your responses with evidence from the selection. and TB predicts the next TB. Slutkin wants to shift how we think about violence from a moral issue (good and bad people) to a public health one (healthful and unhealthful behavior). Though the interrupters may not put it this way, the Wednesday meetings are a kind of therapy. Everybody blamed the people. For an hour, Slutkin leaned on the table, playing with a piece of Scotch tape, keenly listening. Why did the author place this account at the beginning of the article? You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. He also asked the soldiers at the base for blue food coloring, which he then poured into the water sources of the bacteria, a warning to refugees not to drink. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. sorry, your username or password do not match our records. I wrote about a picnic that some Chicago drug kingpins gave in a South Side park. I never seen so many young kids at a funeral. Slutkin is going after it in a third way as if he were trying to contain an infectious disease. Cite textual evidence as a form of support to your. Wake up to the day's most important news. He had taken an out-of-town buyer holding $30,000 in cash to a house on the South Side to buy drugs. He says that violence directly mimics infections like tuberculosis and AIDS, and so, he suggests, the treatment ought to mimic the regimen applied to these diseases: go after the most infected, and stop the infection at its source. Recently I went out to lunch with Hoddenbach and Torres. Most are in their 40s and 50s, though some, like Hoddenbach, are a bit younger. T. Brown 1 Part I Test: "Blocking the Transmission of Violence"1. Shortly after Torres arrived in Chicago last summer, Hoddenbach received a phone call from Torress brother, the father of the young man who was murdered. I got shot 15 years ago, Stone told him. Bad habits. Gary wasnt constrained by the textbook, says Eric Goosby, who worked in the clinic and is now the chief executive of the Pangaea Global AIDS Foundation. One of them, Calvin Buchanan, whose street name is Monster and who just recently joined CeaseFire, showed the others six stitches over his left eye; someone had cracked a beer bottle on his head while he was mediating an argument between two men. . 1) The images in lines 1-5, such as "it vaults the tallest obstacles" and "How rapidly it pounces," convey the impression that hatred a)exists all around us. He told me that he became permanently hoarse after a long stint in segregation in prison; he had to shout to talk with others. Its almost blindly focused on one thing: preventing shootings. He was lying on a gurney just off the emergency rooms main hallway. Highsmiths contact persuaded the robbers to return enough of the money to appease the drug-buyers anger. Slutkin has put much of his effort on taking the project to other cities (theres interest from Los Angeles, Oakland and Wilmington, Del., among others), and he has consulted with the State Department about assisting in Iraq and in Kenya. Early intervention in TB is actually treatment of the most infectious people, Slutkin told me recently. What insight into Juvencio's character can be drawn from this. Blocking the transmission of violence. 9. He also has four children he feels responsible for, and has found ways to decompress, like going for long runs. If they could calm themselves, he seemed to be saying, they could also calm others. At their next Wednesday meeting, some interrupters were critical of Hoddenbach for paying what they considered extortion money. Jackson told me that after his officers investigated an incident, he would ask the police to pull back so the interrupters could mediate. LeVon Stone is 23 years younger and a fast talker. (D.) In lines 68-88. If these idiots continue, he told me, somebodys going to step up and make a statement.. Study sets, textbooks, questions. log in. 3. 10. These outreach workers knew the communities and spoke the languages, and they were able to persuade family members of infected people to be tested. It was 1995, and there had been a series of horrific murders involving children in the city. Torres, who was especially close to his nephew, got on the first Greyhound bus to Chicago. Stop being an idiot, he told Torres. Identify how the passage reflects Kotlowitz pattern of organization. Just two weekends ago in Chicago, with the first warm weather, 36 people were shot, 7 of them fatally. Apparently, earlier in the week, they bashed in the face of an African-American teenager with a brick. Mack drove the 10 miles from his home to the hospital, which houses one of four trauma centers in Chicago. Some, like Hoddenbach, find religion in his case, Christianity. LAST SUMMER, MARTIN TORRES WAS WORKING AS A COOK IN AUSTIN, Tex., when, on the morning of Aug. 23, he received a call from a relative. He was released in 2002. Zale was always in segregation, in the hole for fights, Torres told me. Come on, Gary., Last year, CeaseFire lost its $6 million in annual state financing which meant a reduction from 45 interrupters to 17 as part of statewide budget cuts. They are the most convincing messengers. Get loaded.. But when I looked closer at the data, Webster continues, and got to know more about who these people were and what they were doing, I became far less skeptical and more hopeful. Hoddenbachs father had an explosive temper, and to steal from Slutkins lingo, he seems to have infected others. 9. The out-of-town buyer believed hed been set up by the intermediary, who, in turn, was trying to hunt down the stickup artists. (G.) In lines 109-119: Cite examples of different ways that Kotlowitz helps readers understand. Everybodys overreacting, and youre trying to cool them down, he told them. Meanwhile, their Chicago project is underfinanced, and the interrupters seem stressed from the amount of work theyve taken on. His third brother has carved out a legitimate life as a manager at a manufacturing firm. A greater level of protection is provided for the diseases transmitted by genital secretions. He understood that if the interrupters were associated with the police, it would jeopardize their standing among gang members. Learn. Either an all-video station would not attract enough viewers, or the producers would never find enough programming to fill all the airtime, they said. Created by. Were going to learn from it. In lines 29-52. Test. He skidded to a halt. In the book ("Blocking the Transmission of Violence") written by the famous Alex Kotlowitz, we read about many instances of violence that involve guns among the marauding illegal groups in America. It was Alphonso Prater, another interrupter. Instead they refer to Group A or Group B. They are not investigators for the police. What kinds of details did you add to make your account realistic? What important ideas does this part of the article support. In some situations, Slutkin can appear detached and didactic. Hoddenbach says he originally hoped Torres would stay in Chicago and establish some roots, but then decided hed be better off in another town. But when it came time to meet, he realized he was too riled, and so he asked another interrupter, Tim White, to go in his place. EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, in a Spartan room on the 10th floor of the University of Illinois at Chicagos public-health building, 15 to 25 men and two women all violence interrupters, sit around tables arranged in a circle and ruminate on the rage percolating in the city. Hoddenbach told me that he now considers Slutkin a friend. (His brother Mark speculated that maybe he just wants to give back what he took out.) I once asked Hoddenbach if he has ever apologized to anyone he hurt. It turns out talking about family is what really makes a difference. Slutkin didnt take this notion to the interrupters; he learned it from them. 11. It is hydrolysed in the plasma by pseudo-cholinesterase (plasma cholinesterase). What important idea does the author want to illustrate through the, What conclusion can be drawn from CeaseFires action of hiring those right. 4. We were with one of his old friends from the street, who started guffawing, as if I had asked Hoddenbach if he ever wore dresses. Analysis Of Alex Kotlowitz Blocking The Transmission Of Violence 88 Words1 Page Randy Pausch once said "Treat the disease, not the symptom." In the article written by Alex Kotlowitz titled "Blocking the Transmission of Violence. When Hoddenbach called, Torres was thrilled. (He later remarried there.) Menu. Get additonal benefits from the subscription, Explore recently answered questions from the same subject, Explore recently asked questions from the same subject. This may well speak to CeaseFires limitations. He points out that in the early days of AIDS, there was no treatment either. Who are you to step on your brothers wishes? 1. Hardiman told me he was looking for those right there on the edge. (The interrupters are paid roughly $15 an hour, and those working full time receive benefits from the University of Illinois at Chicago, where CeaseFire is housed.) (At the Wednesday meetings, he often sits near the door and whispers entreaties to the others to speed things up.) Frederick and his friends sensed there would be trouble, so they left, and while standing outside, one of the rival group pulled a gun on them. This was his first visit back to Chicago. Corpus ID: 158879585. His nickname was Packman, because he was known to always pack a gun. Lines 68-88: How does this passage. Please highlight. "Blocking the Transmission of Violence" by Alex Kotlowitz Lines 89-100: Explain the meaning of the phrase "transmission of violence" used in the title. His left foot twitched as if it had an electric current running through it. As he dashed through a narrow passageway between buildings, he heard the shots. He just wants to go to parties, parties, parties, she complained. Match. 2. blocking the transmission of violence quiz. 10. _______________ to consider or think about carefully contemplate. He was grieving and plotting retribution. Prater, who is short and wiry and has trouble keeping still, was bouncing on the sidewalk, standing next to a lanky middle-aged man who had receded into his oversize hooded sweatshirt. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. So the best way to deal with the diseases associated with smoking is to get people to stop smoking. Lines 109-119: Give examples of different ways that Kotlowitz helps readers understand Slutkin. . What evidence led you to that conclusion? Not helping you get medical attention you need is a form of abuse 3. Mack promised to stay in touch, and as we dropped him off, Mack turned to me and said, I think hes going to be all right. It sounded like both a proclamation as well as hopeful aside. People who have little expectation for the future live recklessly. (Another six would be murdered in the coming weeks.) Leaving town is not an option for most. In the case of violence, you use those who were once hard-core, once the most belligerent, once the most uncontrollable, once the angriest. . But the study found that in six of the seven neighborhoods examined, CeaseFires efforts reduced the number of shootings or attempted shootings by 16 percent to 27 percent more than it had declined in comparable neighborhoods. Then, reread the lines indicated with each question below. They respond to every shooting and stabbing victim taken to the hospital. Early research out of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health shows that in the East Baltimore neighborhood there were on average two shootings a month just before the program started. Word-of-mouth allegations often circulate, and privately, some in the police department worry about CeaseFires workers returning to their old habits. He did maintenance on train equipment and towed airplanes at a private airport. Nonetheless, in a report due out later this month, independent researchers hired by the Justice Department (from which CeaseFire gets some money) conclude that CeaseFire has had an impact. I was going hunting. (10-13) 10. Carl Bell, the psychiatrist, was on the program with Slutkin that night. One outreach worker was fired after he was arrested for possession of an AK-47 and a handgun. Part of HuffPost News. Violence has been a common menace in many cities in the U.S especially in the streets populated by the Black-Americans. Torres, who is 38, grew up in a dicey section of Chicago, and even by the standards of his neighborhood he was a rough character. He owned a towing business, an auto-mechanics shop and a nightclub, as well as a 38-foot boat. She explained that she was bringing up her brother. Lines 151-155: Explain how the information presented in the passage continues to develop ideas about the problem of violence that Kotlowitz presented earlier in the article. 2. This didnt seem like the person I knew. The next day Hoddenbach appeared at the wake, which was held at New Life Community Church, housed in a low-slung former factory. In January, I was with Slutkin in Baltimore, where he spoke about CeaseFire to a small gathering of local civic leaders at a private home. blocking the transmission of violence worksheet answers. When he was younger, Hoddenbach, who is also 38, belonged to a gang that was under the same umbrella as Torress, and so when the two men first met 17 years ago at Pontiac Correctional Center, an Illinois maximum-security prison, they became friendly. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Not long ago, three old-timers fresh out of prison ruthlessly ridiculed Hoddenbach for his work with CeaseFire. He would, he thought, wait until after the funeral to track down his nephews assailants. He immediately thought that his old prison buddy was going to join him in his search for the killer. We just want to make sure you dont go out and try to retaliate.. b)is. But Slutkin is also looking for the equivalent of a cure. Frederick had since moved in with his great-grandmother in a different part of town. Highsmith was the key sponsor of the event. 4. Hoddenbach always worked. No one wanted to go there. So for people living outside those neighborhoods, the frequent outbursts of unrestrained anger have been easy to ignore. The fact that theres no vaccine or medical cure for violence doesnt dissuade him. BlockingViolence Guided Questions (1).docx, Alonzo And Tracy Mourning Senior High Biscayne Bay, Blocking the Transmission of Violence -= Analyze the Text.docx, Blocking the Transmission of Violence.docx, Blocking the Transmission of Violence pages 379PDF (1).pdf, Coming of Age in the Dawnland questions.pdf, Larsen_Ludewig_-_Plymouth_Plantation_Questions, Q27 Excluding stoppages the speed of a bus is 54 kmph and including stoppages it, p n 1 p n 2 p nn 1 2 n To state 1 2 n The entry on the intersection of the i th, DIRECTIONS for questions 17 19 The following pie chart gives the details of the, But it would also give me some hope If my death were escapable then I w ou ld n, Data Gov& Cyber Security all modules updated key (1) 20211223054114.pdf, Section 113 94 Complete the following chemical reaction and predict whether the, turned on and using sticky as port security MAC address Completed 14 Do the same, BADM 633 FALL 2022 Group 2- Research Project Deliverables WEEK 7.docx, d The key to accurate data collection in any study is consistency e Researchers, 3.Lines 47-52: Explain how the details presented affect your understanding ofHoddenbach. b)is, The narrator says, "The day when he learned his wife had left him, the idea of going out in search of her didn't even cross his mind." LAST MAY, after a 16-year-old boy was killed trying to protect a girl from a gunman on a city bus, Slutkin appeared on a local public-television news program. School Cocoa Beach Junior/senior High School Course Title COM MISC Uploaded By henrygmorel Pages 4 Ratings 50% (6) People.). 6. He was at a party, and a rival clique arrived. The other tries to influence behavior by introducing school-based curricula like antidrug and safe-sex campaigns.
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